Worse Than Tennis Elbow
So I was in the store checking out the steaks (yes, dammit, I was the loser this time). But I kept noticing other people in the store checking out me. Seemed like every time I looked up I caught someone looking at me, someone who quickly turned away in an embarrassed manner.
Finally, as I was examining a few of the steak options, I caught a woman staring right at me. Except she wasn't starting at my face, but at my crotch!
We were both a little embarrassed when she noticed that I was noticing her noticing me. But when I saw where she was looking, I looked down, too. And then I understood what everyone had been looking at.
I still had my golf slacks on, and I had two golf balls still in my pocket. To people who probably weren't golfers, it looked ... well, you know how it looked. It looked like something that might cause a few people to stare.
Embarrassed, I looked up and sheepishly said to the woman, "It's just golf balls."
She looked back with a sympathetic face and said, "Oh, wow, I'm sorry — that must hurt a lot worse than tennis elbow."
More golf jokes: