The Fort Lauderdale Golf Format Explained

You've signed up for the company golf tournament, or perhaps a charity tournament at your local club. The format, according to the sign-up sheet, is Fort Lauderdale. What does that mean?

It means you are going to be playing a typical scramble tournament. While there may be some regional variations in the specifics, when tournament organizers use the Fort Lauderdale name for the format it usually just means scramble. In other words, Fort Lauderdale is a synonym for a scramble.

That's not uncommon in the world of golf formats, betting games, and side games. Lots of those formats go by multiple different names.

So, Fort Lauderdale is a synonym for a scramble. But what's a scramble? The scramble format is one of the most-commonly used in club play, association play, league play, and for charity and company outings.

A scramble tournament is usually played by four-person teams. All four golfers play each hole, starting with (obviously) each hitting drives. You compare the results of each stroke, select the best of those four efforts, then all team members play the following stroke from that location. For example, on the first hole, Golfers A, B, C and D hit their drives. Whose drive was best? If Golfer B had the best drive, then A, C and D pick up their golf balls and all four play their second shots from the location of B's drive.

The scramble continues in that way until the ball is holed. So just remember: A Fort Lauderdale tournament is just another name for a scramble tournament.

More golf formats:

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